Wednesday, March 18, 2009

7th day in cheena land(10th march)
It's school again, i guess it was the first time being so focused in class. I guess this time round, i realised that i actually conquered the art of sleeping in classroom conditions. Normally in class, when the cold wind blows, and the voice of lecturers start speaking, for some reason, i would be defeated, and before you know it, i'm already knocked out with my cheeks glued to the table. How cool is that!? So i guess, after overcoming such a mental disease, i'm more motivated to study and stay at awake and focused in class. cheers!

8th day in cheena land(11th march)
Eventhough it school again, atleast it's something new this time! instead of APPG, we have the all so interesting, China lecturer to speak to us about China's culture and china's business etiquette. the most interesting part of it all is that we have to write it all down and summarise it. How interesting right. Well other than that, i think i should still give some credit to the china's lecturers because they are really talented, i always envied their humility and spirit to perserve, i could see how the lecturer tried to connect to the class. i was quite amazed about certain business manners and how certain way of eating could be disrespectful. For example, it's wrong to turn the fish over to eat the other side, it means that your "boat" would over turn. I mean, i do that all the time, as a dragonboater, i would be the first one to be obedient to this. However, it's just business etiquette, and i'm still a student, Pretty interesting huh. cheers!

9th day in cheena land(12th march)
okay, it's back to school again. I have run out of expressions to express boredom, so here it goes, i shall just be true to you all this time. I woke up at 7 and did APPG and went to the gym and went to home sweet home. How cool can this be right, i mean, i'm really afraid if someone tells me this is how life is going to be, so get used to it! I mean, i have never dreamt a life like this, how cool can this be. Keep on keeping on. We will be going cruise tomorrow! so ya, i hope things will turn out just fine! cheers!

10th-12th day in cheena land(13th-15th march)
It was my first time sitting on a cruise to nowhere. Just merely site seeing the mountains and mountains and mountains. Besides the chilling wind, the scenic view was marvelous, it's beauty beyond description. Eventhough our rooms were small, it was cosy and comfy. The food was good too, we were well fed during the whole journey from the rides on the bus to the meals on the cruise itself. we went to some temple that is up on the mountain, and the only way up there is by stairs. Everybody was struggling their way up there. to be continues about this day, i just have no time write everything retard lame fun things down here. =))

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